28 September 2009

My Son the Heartbreaker

That is my son. My jantung. My buah hati.

He is a heartbreaker.

I wonder, how can someone so little and still oblivious to the world, can break his mommy's heart in a million pieces.

Lately, he doesn't want me. He prefers his grandma more to me.

At first i was fine. Until last Saturday.

We had guests over for raya. He was clinging on to his grandma. I tried to take him away. He refused. Eventually, he cried and wailed so loud, when i carried him.

It broke my heart.

I went to the kitchen window and cried. My husband knew how at my worst i must have felt then.

After that, i refused to touch him. My mil tried to give him to me but i refused to take him saying, "what for? he doesnt want me."

I delivered him, i fed him, i put him to sleep, i cleaned his poo, i wake in the middle of the night to make milk for him.

Yet he prefers another more to me.

Tell me, how should i feel?

They say it's cos im pregnant that's why he is seeking attention elsewhere.

That suppose to comfort me? well, it didn't work.

Hairi.....Hairi tak sayang ibu ke?

About Me

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Welcome to our marriage blog! This is the place where you can find all the information and photos about our big day. And of course, the triumphs of being a married couple too. Fazli and I are both really looking forward to the build up to the celebrations and of course building a life together. This journal shall serve as a reflection upon us in future, and to be a better Husband & Wife. See us make this journey into a beautiful one.....