23 March 2009

What makes us happy

What makes us happy....

is that when at 4 months, he did this and this.....

And we are trying to get him to like water.

The 1st trial in a pool resulted in this.

Cold water. It can make me cry too.

So the following week, we got him in a centre for baby swimming with warm, chlorine-free water.

Which resulted in this after a while in it.

Oh well. It was his naptime but instead we dunked him in a deep sink with a float around his neck! Who won't crank up?!!

But we still sign him up. And this weekend he will go again. And this time, we hope to get him kicking and smiling in the water.

So what makes ME happy?

My baby.

And my husband who always tells me he loves me everyday.

Don't you miss our dating days? Especially when u loved me with my burnt face?


11 March 2009

See how he grows...

See How He Grows

Why do babies grow so fast?

Few hours old, straight from the oven. I cried alone on my bed as i held him. It was all worth it.

Four days old and he never wails when given a bath.

3 weeks. Babies sleep a lot huh? i do nothing at home but just stare at my lil man.

I learnt from friends and reference books. Always give ur babies their daily tummy time. It helps to shape the soft skull instead of it being flat due to lying on his back all the time. At first i was skeptical but i got used to it. In fact, babies love it! Just remember to turn his head every 10 mins so he wont hv a sore neck. At this point, u hv to keep watch over him as he still is not strong enough to turn his head on his own. 20 mins is ample, 10 mins on each side.

Cute kan bontot tonggek....

Confinement is over! And baby Hairi with his signature "Liang po-po" mouth. His hairline will be exactly like dat when he is old!

One month! And no more saggy skin. Fats filled him up. You grow too fast honey. U nearly filling up the bathtub!

His eyes are glued, watching Playhouse Disney. He gets bored watching the Baby DvDs i got for him. Babies nowadays are smart!

Exactly 2 months here and i envy his long lashes. He has learnt different facial expressions and beginning to respond when we talk to him.

We cukur-ed his head. Some babies do not have to encounter Cradle Cap. Mine does. So i put Olive oil every night to loosen the scabs and in the morning when i wash his head, i use a cloth to scrub the scabs off. But the cukur did the trick. Just cukur off the scab! Note: Get a professional to do it. The ustaz who did our cukur ceremony came over to cukur our baby's head bald.
At this stage, he babbles a lot!

He has begun to look fairer somehow. And he tries to hold his head up. Practicing neck control. Babies develop fast and faster if we stimulate him.

My Baby is 2 days away to being 3-months old. That baby is about 7 months old. besides the slight diff in size, my baby can't sit on his own yet.

Lil man with his favourite suck/sleep companion. He now knows the different feels with his hand. I never regretted getting tht Ookie for him though some called it Pocong. Apa je.

Yep. He has filled up the tub alright. And loving his expressions as he enjoys his bathtimes more. And he laughs!! Cute laughs!

This is what i look forward to at the end of a workday. To come home to my baby who wants nothing but for me to hold him, and for him to lean against my chest and hear how my heart beats for him.

The husband sometimes complain tht i love the baby more than him (he is kidding of cos). But who doesnt! They are so precious, God's creation and to me, a miracle by the Almighty. I am fortunate. I do admit tht nothing clouds my mind but just baby, baby, baby, unlike before where it was hubby, hubby hubby, but i thank God, i am blessed with a caring husband, who helps me with the chores of being a parent. He does his fair shair of bathing him, changing him, entertaining him etc. And to that, i am grateful for.

Hubby, i still love u tops endlessly!

Ok enough for now.
Maybe i should upload vids. Hmmm....

About Me

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Welcome to our marriage blog! This is the place where you can find all the information and photos about our big day. And of course, the triumphs of being a married couple too. Fazli and I are both really looking forward to the build up to the celebrations and of course building a life together. This journal shall serve as a reflection upon us in future, and to be a better Husband & Wife. See us make this journey into a beautiful one.....